d. End termination material shall be consistent in formulation and traceable to a single batch and shall be fired
in the same kiln with one temperature profile during the process. All parts shall enter the kiln in one
continuous operation/run for end termination firing.
e. Lot identity shall be maintained from the time the lot is assembled to the time it is accepted.
f. The lot date code shall be assigned prior to lead attachment for leaded devices and prior to final end
termination for nonleaded devices. Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the tests and examinations specified in table XI.
The following details shall apply:
a. Failure to meet destructive physical analysis (DPA) limits shall cause the lot to be rejected.
b. A summary of the results of group A inspection on each lot that meets requirements shall be submitted to the
purchaser with the parts.
c. A copy of the applicable DPA report shall be submitted to the purchaser with each lot of parts.
TABLE XI. Group A inspection.
Test method
Sampling procedure
Subgroup 1
Thermal shock and voltage conditioning 1/ 2/
100% inspection
100% inspection
Voltage conditioning at +85°C 2/ 3/
(see table XVI, PDA overall
requirement only)
Radiographic inspection (encapsulated
100 % inspection
capacitors only)
Subgroup 2
Visual and mechanical inspection; material,
20 samples
physical dimensions, design, construction,
0 failures
and 3.25
marking, and workmanship
Subgroup 3
Destructive physical analysis
1/ For solder coated nonleaded capacitor chips, thermal shock and voltage conditioning in accordance with and may be performed prior to addition of final metallization; and if performed, shall not be
required during group A.
2/ The DWV post test is not applicable if optional voltage conditioning was performed at 250 percent or more of
the rated voltage.
3/ Voltage conditioning at +85°C is only required for solder coated nonleaded capacitor chips that had voltage
conditioning performed prior to final metallization. Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the tests specified in table XII and shall be
performed on sample units from lots that have been subjected to and have passed group A inspection. Copies of
group B data shall be forwarded to purchaser with parts. Parts may not be shipped until the conclusion of 1,000
hours of life test.
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