c. Insulation resistance: Humidity, steady state, 1.3 ±0.25 volts - Shall meet the initial +25°C requirement
specified in 3.14. Moisture resistance, normal voltage - not less than 50 percent of the initial +25°C
requirement specified in 3.14.
d. Capacitance: Change not to exceed ±10 percent from initial measured value for BX and BR characteristics,
and not more than ±.3 percent or .3 pF, whichever is greater, for BP and BG characteristics.
TABLE V. Capacitance change with reference to +25°C.
Steps E through G
Steps A through D
of table XVIII
of table XVIII
Bias = 0 volt
Bias = rated voltage
±15 percent
+15, -40 percent
±15 percent
+15, -25 percent
0 ±30 ppm/°C
0 ±30 ppm/°C
BP 1/
90 ±20 ppm/°C
90 ±20 ppm/°C
BG 1/
1/ At the +25°C stability point, the capacitance measurement may be ± .2
percent or -0.05 pF, whichever is greater, from the +25°C reference.
TABLE VI. Temperature coefficient tolerances for characteristics BP
and BG values below 20 pF.
Permissible capacitance change from capacitance at +25°C in ppm/°C
Less than 2.1 pF
2.15 pF to 4.2 pF
4.3 pF to 8.0 pF
8.1 pF to 18 pF
Greater than 18 pF
±250 ppm/°C
±120 ppm/°C
±60 ppm/°C
±30 ppm/°C
-55°C 2/
1/ Not practically measurable.
2/ The ppm/°C values for -55°C were calculated by dividing ppm by -80°C.
3.21 Vibration, high frequency (leaded capacitors only). When capacitors are tested as specified in 4.6.17, there
shall be no intermittent contacts of 0.5 millisecond (ms) or greater duration, open or short circuitry, or evidence of
mechanical damage.
3.22 Resistance to solvents. When capacitors are tested as specified in 4.6.18, there shall be no evidence of
mechanical damage and the marking shall remain legible.
3.23 Life (at elevated ambient temperature). When tested as specified in 4.6.19, capacitors shall meet the
following requirements:
a. 250-hour limits:
(1) Insulation resistance (at +125°C): Shall not be less than 50 percent of the value specified (see 3.14).
(2) Visual examination: No mechanical damage. Marking shall remain legible.
(3) Insulation resistance (at +25°C): Shall not be less than 50 percent of the value specified (see 3.14).
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