c. Test condition E (50's): Except frequency range of 10 through 3,000 Hz.
d. Duration and direction of motion: Equal amounts of time in each of three mutually perpendicular planes (total
of 8 hours).
e. Measurements during vibration: During the last cycle in each direction, an electrical measurement shall be
made to determine intermittent contacts of 0.5 ms or greater duration, or open- or short-circuiting.
f. Examination after vibration: Capacitors shall be visually examined for evidence of mechanical damage.
4.6.18 Resistance to solvents (see 3.22). Capacitors shall be tested in accordance with method 215 of
MIL-STD-202. The following details shall apply:
a. The marked portion of the capacitor body shall be brushed.
b. The number of sample units to be examined shall be as specified in table IX.
c. Capacitors shall be visually examined for evidence of mechanical damage and obliteration of marking.
4.6.19 Life (at elevated ambient temperature) (see 3.23). Capacitors shall be tested in accordance with method
108 of MIL-STD-202. The following details and exceptions shall apply:
a. Minimum sample size and accept/reject criteria shall be in accordance with table XIX.
b. Distance of temperature measurements from specimens, in inches, not applicable.
c. Test temperature and tolerance: +125°C, +4°C, -0°C.
d. Capacitors shall be subjected to the voltage and circuit specified in In the event of a fuse failure,
the procedure specified in shall apply.
e. Test duration: 4,000 hours for qualification and 1,000 hours for group B.
f. Measurements during and after exposure: At the conclusion of 250, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 hours, and
while the capacitors are at the applicable high-test temperature, the insulation resistance shall be measured
as specified in 4.6.10. At the option of the manufacturer, the units may be immediately transferred (period of
transfer not to exceed 15 minutes) to another chamber maintained at the same temperature for the purpose
of measuring insulation resistance. The insulation resistance measurement shall be made only after the
units have stabilized at the test temperature. The capacitors shall then be returned to the inspection
conditions specified in 4.3 and shall be visually examined for evidence of mechanical damage and
obliteration of marking; capacitance, dissipation factor, and insulation resistance shall be measured as
TABLE XIX. Life test.
250 - 4,000 hours
Lot size
Minimum sample size
1 - 1,200
1,201 - 10,000
10,001 - 150,000
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