MIL-PRF-23269G Production lot. A production lot shall consist of all capacitors of the same style, voltage rating, nominal
capacitance value, voltage temperature characteristic, and termination finish. Manufacture of all parts in the lot shall
have been started, processed, assembled, and tested as a group. Lot identity shall be maintained throughout the
manufacturing cycle. Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in table IV,
in the order shown. Subgroup 1 tests. The subgroup 1 tests shall be performed on a production lot basis on 100 percent of
the product supplied under this specification. Capacitors failing the tests of subgroup 1 shall be removed from the
lot. If, during the 100 percent inspection, screening requires more than 5 percent of the capacitors to be discarded,
the entire production lot shall be rejected.
TABLE IV. Group A inspection.
Examination or test
Test method
Lot criteria
Subgroup 1
100% inspection
High voltage stabilization
Insulation resistance (at 25°C)
Dissipation factor
Thermal shock
(styles CYR51, CYR52, and CYR53 only)
Subgroup 2 1/
Visual and mechanical examination
0 failures
Physical dimensions
Design and construction (other than
physical dimensions)
Marking 2/
Subgroup 3 3/
0 failures
1/ The manufacturer may request the deletion of the subgroup 2, visual and mechanical examination, provided an
in-line or process control system for assessing and assuring the visual and mechanical requirements are met,
can be validated and approved by the qualifying activity. Deletion of this examination does not relieve the
manufacturer from meeting these requirements.
2/ Marking defects are based on visual inspection only.
3/ The manufacturer may request the deletion of the subgroup 3 solderability test, provided an in-line or process
control system for assessing and assuring the solderability of leads can be validated and approved by the
qualifying activity. Deletion of the test does not relieve the manufacturer from meeting this test requirement.
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