3.1 Specification sheets. The individual item requirements shall be as specified herein and in accordance with
the applicable specification sheet. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this specification and the
specification sheet, the latter shall govern.
3.2 Qualification. Capacitors furnished under this specification shall be products that are authorized by the
qualifying activity for listing on the applicable Qualified Products List (QPL) at the time of award of contract (see 4.4
and 6.3). Authorized distributors which are approved to MIL-STD-790 distributor requirements by the QPL
manufacturers are listed in the QPL.
3.3 QPL system. The manufacturer shall establish and maintain a QPL system for parts covered by this
specification. Requirements for this system are specified in MIL-STD-690 and MIL-STD-790. In addition the
manufacturer shall also establish a SPC and PPM system that meets the requirements as detailed in 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
respectively. Reliability of capacitors furnished under this specification shall be established and maintained in
accordance with the procedures and requirements specified in MIL-STD-690 and MIL-STD-790 with details specified
TABLE I. FRL (established at a 90 percent confidence level).
Percent/1,000 hour
3.3.1 SPC. As part of the overall MIL-STD-790 QPL system, the manufacturer shall establish a SPC system that
meets the requirements of EIA-557. The manufacturer shall demonstrate control of the temperature coefficient of
capacitance and lead integrity in the process.
3.3.2 PPM system. As part of the overall MIL-STD-790 QPL system, the manufacturer shall establish a PPM
system of assessing the average outgoing quality of lots in accordance with EIA-554-1. Data exclusion, in
accordance with EIA-554-1, may be used with approval of the qualifying activity. The ppm system shall identify the
ppm rate at the end of each month and shall be based on six month moving average. Style reporting may include
ER style combinations.
3.4 Materials. The material shall be as specified herein. However, when a definite material is not specified, a
material shall be used which will enable the capacitors to meet the performance requirements of this specification.
Acceptance or approval of any constituent material shall not be construed as a guaranty of the acceptance of the
finished product.
3.4.1 Solder. Solder for electrical connections shall be selected to meet the requirements of this specification. In
no case shall the solder start to melt at a temperature of less than 200°C.
3.4.2 Soldering flux. The use of materials that leave potentially corrosive residues should be avoided. Where
such materials must be used to ensure the satisfactory performance of a process, all potentially corrosive residues
must be neutralized and removed to prevent deterioration of the capacitor from the occurrence of related corrosion in
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