4.7.14 ESR (when specified, see 3.1) (see 3.17). The ESR shall be measured. The following details shall apply:
a. Test temperature and tolerance: +25°C ±5°C.
b. Test frequency: 100kHz ±5 kHz.
c. Limit of accuracy: Measurement accuracy shall be within ±5.0 percent of the reading.
d. Magnitude of polarizing voltage: Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), the maximum dc bias shall be 2.2
volts for all ac measurements. The magnitude of the ac voltage shall be limited to 0.5 volt rms maximum.
"T" level only: Following Weibull grading as specified in group A and after measuring the ESR, a mean and standard
deviation shall be calculated for the lot from those that pass the ESR test. Those capacitors not passing +3 standard
deviations shall be removed and not delivered to an order.
4.7.15 Moisture resistance (see 3.18). Capacitors shall be tested in accordance with
method 106 of MIL-STD-202. The following details and exceptions shall apply:
a. Mounting of specimens: Capacitors shall be mounted on a substrate as specified in 4.7.1.
b. Initial measurements: Capacitance as specified in 4.7.7.
c. Number of cycles: 20 continuous cycles except that steps 7a and 7b shall be omitted.
d. Loading voltage: Not applicable.
e. Final measurements: After removal from chamber, capacitors shall be dried for 1 hour at room temperature
and, within the next hour, dc leakage, capacitance, dissipation factor, and ESR (when specified, see 3.1)
Examination after test: Capacitors shall be visually examined for evidence of harmful corrosion, mechanical
damage, and obliteration of marking (if applicable).
4.7.16 Stability at low and high temperatures (see 3.19). Capacitors shall be dried at +125°C ±5°C for 30 minutes
+4 minutes, -0 minutes, prior to start of test. DC leakage, capacitance, and dissipation factor shall then be measured
as specified in 4.7.6, 4.7.7, and 4.7.8, respectively, at each of the temperatures specified in table XI, except that dc
leakage measurements at -55°C (step 2) are not required. After the measurements of capacitance and dissipation
factor have been made at the -55°C temperature (step 2), rated voltage shall be applied through a 33-ohm resistor for
the minimum of 5 minutes. ESR (when applicable, see 3.1) shall be measured at step 1 and step 6 as specified in
4.7.14. The capacitors shall be brought to thermal stability at each temperature.
TABLE XI. Temperature for stability test.
Test temperature (°C)
+25 ±3
-55 +0, -6
+25 ±3
+85 +4, -0
+125 +4, -0
+25 ±3
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