MIL-PRF-49137E Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the inspections specified in table VI in the order
shown, and shall be made on sample units which have been subjected to and have passed the group A inspection.
TABLE VI. Group B inspection.
Test method
Subgroup 1
8 samples
Stability at low and high
0 failures
Subgroup 2
8 samples
Surge voltage
0 failures Sampling plan. The sampling plan shall be as specified in table VI. Rejected lots. The rejected lot shall be segregated from new lots which have passed inspection. The
contractor may rework the lot to correct the defects, or screen out the defective units, and resubmit for inspection in
accordance with table VI. A new sample of parts shall then be randomly selected in accordance with table VI. If one
or more defects are found in this second sample, the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this
specification. Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have been subjected to group B, subgroup 2 inspection
shall not be delivered on the contract.
4.7 Periodic group C inspection. Group C inspection shall consist of the tests specified in table VII, in the order
shown. Group C inspection shall be made on sample units selected from lots which have passed group A and group
B inspection. Group C samples shall be representative of production. The allowable number of defectives shall be
as indicated in table VII. Except where the results of periodic inspection show noncompliance with the applicable
requirements (see 4.7.2), delivery of products which have passed group A and group B inspections shall not be
delayed pending the results of this periodic inspection
4.7.1 Sampling plan. Sixty-seven sample units of each style shall be selected from the first lot produced, and
thereafter from each production of 500,000 units or once every 3 months, whichever occurs first. The 67 sample
units shall be subdivided as specified for each subgroup in table VII. Disposition of sample units. Sample units that have been subjected to group C inspection shall not be
delivered on the contract.
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