4.5.15 Vent (applicable only to styles CE70 and CE71) (see 3.18). Capacitors shall be subjected to an ac test
current in accordance with table IX. The vent shall operate within 5 minutes. If the capacitor opens or short-circuits
and the vent has not operated, additional capacitors shall be selected and subjected to this test.
TABLE IX. Venting.
Nominal capacitance
Test current (rms)
Amperes, inclusive
Up to 3,000 inclusive
10 to 100
3,001 to 20,000 inclusive
85 to 150
Over 20,000
100 to 175
4.5.16 Life (see 3.19). Capacitors shall be tested in accordance with method 108 of MIL-STD-202. The following
details and exceptions shall apply:
Distance of temperature measurements from specimens: Not applicable.
Method of mounting: Normal mounting means.
Test temperature and tolerance: +85 +3 -0C.
Operating conditions: The dc rated voltage (see 3.1), shall be applied continuously to the capacitors
through a current-limiting resistor.
Test condition: F (2,000 hours) 12 hours.
Measurements after exposure: Capacitors shall be returned to the inspection conditions specified in 4.2.1.
DC leakage, capacitance, and dissipation factor shall then be measured as specified in 4.5.3, 4.5.4, and
4.5.5. Capacitors shall then be visually examined for mechanical damage, leakage of the electrolyte, and
deformation of the case. Two capacitors shall then be subjected to the internal examination specified in
4.5.17 Barometric pressure (see 3.20). Capacitors shall be tested in accordance with method 105 of MIL-STD-
202. The following details and exceptions shall apply:
Method of mounting: Except during examination and measurement, rigidly mounted by normal mounting
Test condition and period of time at reduced pressure prior to application of potential: Capacitors shall be
placed in an atmospheric pressure of .82 inch (20.8 mm) of mercury for a period of 5 minutes.
Test during subjection to reduced pressure: At the end of the 5-minute conditioning period, with the
capacitors still at reduced pressure, the dc rated voltage (see 3.1), shall be applied for 1 minute between
the terminals of each capacitor.
Examinations after subjection to reduced pressure: Capacitors shall be examined for flashover,
breakdown, deformation of the case, and leakage of the case, and leakage of the electrolyte.
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