TABLE III. Group A inspection.
Test method
Sampling procedure
Subgroup 1
Thermal shock
Dielectric withstanding voltage
100% inspection
Insulation resistance (at +25°C)
Dissipation factor
Equivalent series resistance 1/
Subgroup 2 2/
Visual inspection, external
Physical dimensions
See table IV
Marking 3/
Subgroup 3
5 samples
Solderability 4/ 5/
0 failures
1/ For styles CRH11, CRH12, and CRH13 only.
2/ The manufacturer may request deletion of subgroup 2 (visual inspection) provided an in-line or
process control system to assure the visual inspection requirements are met and can be
validated and approved by the qualifying activity. Deletion of these inspections does not relieve
the manufacturer from meeting these requirements in case of dispute. If the design, material,
construction, or processing of the part is changed or if there are any quality problems, the
qualifying activity may require resumption of these inspections.
3/ Marking defects are based on visual inspection and shall be charged only for illegible, incomplete,
or incorrect marking. Any subsequent electrical defects shall not be used as a basis for
determining marking defects.
4/ The manufacturer may request the deletion of the subgroup 3 solderability test, provided an
inline or process control system for assessing and assuring the solderability of leads can be
validated and approved by the qualifying activity. Deletion of the test does not relieve the
manufacturer from meeting this test requirement.
5/ Electrical rejects from subgroup 1 may be used for solderability. Subgroup 2 tests. Subgroup 2 tests shall be performed on an inspection lot basis. The sampling
procedure shall be as specified in table IV. If one or more defects are found, the lot shall be rescreened and defects
removed. A new sample shall then randomly be selected. If one or more defects are found in this second sample,
the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification.
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